Life of Ivanna | Жизнь Иванны Яптунэ

Synopsis: The film closely follows Ivanna, a 26-year-old mother of five children, and depicts her dramatic life-changes, from the harsh life at the tundra to the modern life in the Siberian city of Dudinka. Ivanna lives a traditional nomadic life in the Arctic region in Northwest Siberia. Following in the footsteps of what her family has been doing for centuries, Ivana drives her herd of reindeer at the tundra. But due to the environmental side effects of climate change, most of her reindeers are dying. Ivana knows that soon she will be forced to make a dramatic decision.

Director’s Biography: Renato Borrayo Serrano is a Guatemalan film director, cinematographer and editor. In 2017, he graduated as a film director specialised in documentary film, from the All-Russian State University of Cinematography. His work has been featured and awarded in numerous international film festivals. Among many other awards, his short, Film for Carlos, received the honorary Price of the jury at Dok Leipzig (2017), an honorary mention from the jury at Art Dok Fest 2017 in Moscow and the Prize for Best Short Film at DocuDays UA 2018 in Kyiv. His feature-length directorial debut Life of Ivanna had its world premiere at CPH:DOX main competition and in Hotdocs (2021).

La sélection du Festival International du Film d’Amman est disponible
July 6, 2022
Playground | Un Monde
July 7, 2022
La sélection du Festival International du Film d’Amman est disponible
July 6, 2022
Playground | Un Monde
July 7, 2022