Traversing the Reimagined Palestinian Neighbourhood
July 19, 2022
Champollion Street Urban Reflections
July 19, 2022
Traversing the Reimagined Palestinian Neighbourhood
July 19, 2022
Champollion Street Urban Reflections
July 19, 2022

Winter | L'Hiver

Synopsis: Winter tells the story of a Syrian couple, who got married without the consent of their families due to their different religions, they flee the war in Syria to Jordan and live in very difficult conditions in Amman

Directors’ Biography: Karam Awadat started his director's career in Warsha Studio and did sketches and YouTube programmes as writer and director. He also worked in music and video clip industry. In 2021 the Royal Film Commission presented him with a grant start his first real project as a director and writer with the short “Winter”.