Amman International Film Festival – Awal Film (AIFF)
    Application Form - Films

    Amman International Film Festival – Awal Film (AIFF) requires all submitted films to be at least Jordanian premiere.
    For the third edition of the AIFF, only films that were released in 2021 or 2022 are accepted for submission.
    Please check the “Rules & Regulations” section on the AIFF website before filling out this application form: Rules and Regulations - Amman International Film Festival (

    Applicant’s Information

    Function in relation to the submitted film*

    [group group-493]


    Film Specs

    Year of Release*



    Has the film been screened and/or streamed online previously in Jordan?*

    Director’s Information

    Is there a Co-Director*

    Co-Director’s Name

    Crew List

    [repeater producers add "Add Producer" remove "Remove Producer"]


    Screenwriter: (if applicable)

    [repeater screenwriters add "Add Screenwriter" remove "Remove Screenwriter"]


    Lead Actor or Lead Actress (if applicable)

    [repeater Lead-Actors-and-or-Actresses add "Add Lead Actor and/or Lead Actress" remove "Remove Lead Actor and/or Lead Actress"]



    Production Company (if available)

    Name of Contact Person

    Distributor (if available)

    Name of Contact Person

    Additional Information
    Has the film been screened at other festivals? (Yes or No)

    [group film-screened-in-other-festivals-group]


    Which category are you applying to?*

    [group ArabNarrativeCompetition]

    Eligibility criteria for this section:

    Must be 60 minutes or longer.

    Filmmaker must be of an Arab citizenship and/or background.

    Must be a Jordanian première

    Should not have been available on any streaming platform in Jordan, commercially or otherwise.

    Must be released in 2021 or 2022.

    Must be the first feature-length narrative film for the:

    • Director and/or,

    • Screenwriter and/or,

    • Lead actor and/or,

    • Lead actress.

    Please check the eligibility criteria on the “Arab Competition” page on the AIFF website before submitting:Arab Competition - Amman International Film Festival (

    To be eligible, the film should be the first feature length narrative for: *

    Name(s) of First-Timer(s) in the film

    [repeater First-Timer add "Add more" remove "Remove"]


    [group group-ArabFeatureDocumentaryCompetition]

    Eligibility criteria for this section:

    Duration must be 52 minutes or longer.

    Director should be of Arab citizenship and/or Arab background.

    Must be a Jordanian première.

    Should not have been available on any streaming platform in Jordan, commercially or otherwise.

    Must be released in 2021 or 2022.

    Should be the first feature-length documentary for any of the following:

    • Director and/or,

    • Editor.

    Please check the eligibility criteria on the “Arab Competition” page on the AIFF website before submitting:Arab Competition - Amman International Film Festival (

    Is this the director’s first feature-length documentary film*

    To be eligible, the film should be the first feature length documentary for:*

    Names of first-timers in the film:

    [repeater FeatureFirstTimers add "Add more" remove "Remove"]


    [group group-ArabNarrativeShortCompetition]

    Eligibility criteria for this section:

    Duration must be 25 minutes or less.

    Must be the first short film for its director.

    Director should be of an Arab citizenship and/or Arab background.

    Must be a Jordanian première.

    Should not have been available on any streaming platform in Jordan, commercially or otherwise.

    Must be released in 2021 or 2022

    This section is open to any of the following genres:

    • Short narrative and/or,

    • Experimental and/or,

    • Animation.

    Short documentaries are not eligible for this section.

    Please check the eligibility criteria on the “Arab Competition” page on the AIFF website before submitting: Arab Competition - Amman International Film Festival (

    Is this the director’s first narrative short film? *

    [group group-InternationalFeatureNarrativeorDocumentary]

    Eligibility criteria for this section:

    This section is open to any feature-length narrative, documentary, or animation film released in 2021 or 2022, as long as the director is Non-Arab, and as long as it is the first feature-length film by the director.

    Narrative films must be 60 minutes or longer to be eligible for this section.

    Documentary films must be 52 minutes or longer to be eligible for this section.

    All films must be Jordanian premiere. Films previously screened in Jordan are not eligible.

    Films that are available in Jordan on any VOD, online platforms, TV, or any other similar media as well as films that are available for purchase also not eligible.

    The AIFF reserves the right to decide eligibility.

    Please check the eligibility criteria on the “International Section” page on the AIFF website before submitting:International Section - Amman International Film Festival (

    What is the category of the film you are submitting?*

    Is this the director’s debut feature length film in the category submitted?*
